James & Pam Clayton
Carpenter Ministries Inc. is:
- about building the kingdom of God. Jesus was a carpenter on earth with a divine mission to build the Kingdom. He has never stopped building: He has never stopped restoring, He has never stopped healing, He has never stopped saving the lost. "He's Still Building".
- reaching out to the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- where supplies and resources are distributed to churches and ministries around the world.
- helping with disaster relief efforts.
- equipping the saints and training leaders.
- meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of widows, the fatherless, and those in prison.
- helping other missionaries see their dreams & visions come to fruition through our time and resources.
- partnering with others in building sustainable food sources in third world countries.
We welcome your comments. Go to our Contact Info/Give page. "May the Lord bless you and keep you..."